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Law School 101: Tips on How to Maintain Connections with Friends in Colleagues

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By: Archiebald Faller Capila

 Our social life has never been the same from the onset of the pandemic. Law Students who are accustomed to studying at the library and coffee shops for their sanity has a void to fill. Barrista Solutions lists lips on how to maintain connections with friends during the pandemic.

The current health crisis has affected every aspect of civilization there is, and the study and profession of law are not spared from the same. What we have been accustomed to since time immemorial has now taken a deep dive into reform and changes. Because of the pandemic, we as students and practitioners of the law have been forced to adapt to the current circumstances brought about by COVID-19.

It is unlikely that the said crisis will end any time soon. As we all know, cases here in the Philippines have been spiking and even getting worse compared to last year’s situation. Some could even say that it is 2020 all over again because localized lockdowns are once again being implemented, restrictions are getting tighter, and the means on how we should survive seem to be at a blur as of the moment.

We are now at a standstill because of what is happening. Accordingly, law students and lawyers are struggling to cope with the current pandemic. While it is a given that we are already a year into this crisis, we still can’t help but think of means on how to fully embrace the new normal. While we are all hoping for a better normal, we can’t help but experience a worsening condition with respect to the study and practice of law.

While we are still finding out ways in order to fully embrace the same, some other factors are still hampering us from time to time. Aside from the study and practice of law itself, we can say that our lives as students and practitioners outside the realm of law are affected as well. One of the major problems we need to address is how to keep in touch with our friends and colleagues from other sides of the country.

Because of the situation we have, we are all forced to stay at our homes and hope that communication is the same through online means. But let’s face it, nothing beats an onsite situation wherein you could exchange banters with your friends up close, hug them or give them a pat on the back, and laugh at each other’s stories when you are all not studying. Indeed, students of the law have been missing out on this kind of human interaction.

Nonetheless, we try to keep in touch with whatever means we have. Whatever is available, we take it. Whatever is necessary in order to remain connected with our friends and colleagues, we do the same altogether because we must remember that this journey is not to be tackled alone. We need to interact with our friends and colleagues from time to time so as to stay sane and healthy. In order to keep up with our advocacy in helping law students, we have come up with a list on how to keep your communications intact with each other.

Barrista Solutions lists the tips on how to maintain a connection with your friends and colleagues. Take a look at what you can do in order to revive or continue the tradition of having friends around in the study of law.

1. Schedule a meeting with your friends

Because everything has seemingly become an invitation to do everything online, we must learn how to learn to socialize on the said platforms as well. Are you missing out on the days wherein you’d talk to your classmates about certain topics in your subjects? Do you miss the breaks in between wherein you’d talk about the random things outside the scope of the law?

You could still do these things online. While there may be no physical interaction, you could still nonetheless hear the stories of your friends and colleagues. You could talk about several things—anything under the sun to be frank. But because of certain restrictions like prior schedules and class, you need to set a meeting for such conference.

Talk to your friends about when they are most available for the semester. Try to stick to that schedule. It is not required that you spend a multitude of hours just talking to them. An hour or two would suffice. For as long as you are able to connect with your good friends, everything will turn out fine eventually.

These talks mean a lot not only for you but for them as well. It is not only you who needs the attention of others. By meeting once in a while even if it is only through online means, you are not only helping yourself but your friends as well in the process.

2. Send notes and references to them

While you may be miles apart, you could still help a friend in understanding certain lectures he or she is having a hard time understanding, Because of the modern technology offered, you could simply scan your notes and send them to your group of friends.

Like your old set-up, you could exchange notes on some topics and talk about them in a talk. You could even invite other friends who will be able to explain in full the topics you are having a hard time understanding. It is important that you communicate with one another just like before because as mentioned, no one can survive law school alone.

By sending them notes or even some copies of digests or other reading assignments, you will be able to help your friends better understand the concept of a subject they can’t fully understand.

3. Always find time in asking how they are

The pandemic has brought about several problems in the well-being of law students all over the country. It is important that we are able to read the room and understand how our friends are doing. If you sense something is off, do not hesitate to shoot them a direct message and ask how they are doing at the moment.

Always be the friend who can be reached accordingly. Communication is key in order to foster a healthy friendship. It will be a big help to them knowing that they have a friend who checks how they are doing in this time of a crisis.

4. Surprise them with gifts if able

Did your friend recently celebrate his or her birthday? Did he relay to you that he just aced his exams? Whatever occasion there may be, try to surprise your friend once in a while. If you are able to buy them gifts through online shops and the like, don’t forget to send him or her the same.

A letter will also help him or her ease and calm down. These gifts may even uplift your friends' and colleagues’ spirits knowing that they have a friend in you who cares for them the most. If gifts are not their love language, try to show your affection through other means instead.

5. Randomly hit them with a message

One of the most important aspects of a friendship in law school is the fact that you always keep in touch with each other amidst a shortage of means. A random message on how much you miss your friends or how much you love talking to them means a lot.

Don’t forget to shoot them a message or two during your free time. You don’t have to wait for their replies because they could be doing some other works. What is most important is the fact that you relayed your affection to them which is better than nothing during this time of a pandemic.

These are just some of the tips you could follow in order to keep up with the times in connecting with your friends and colleagues. While the list is not exclusive, it is nonetheless helpful in maintaining your relationship with your friends or even rekindling a lost connection which is all because of the hard times brought about by the current pandemic.

Don’t forget to say hi to a friend today, future lawyer.

For more tips, view more articles on Law School 101.

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